Jan72022 South Washington County Schools (SoWashCo Schools) is now at a critical stage that will result in multiple cancellations or delays for bus routes in the mornings and afternoons. Families will be notified by phone and text, with as much notice as possible, if their child’s morning or afternoon route is expected to be impacted.
You may also use his/her SSN as an option, although not required. Click here. You must also complete and sign the "Request for Focus Parent Portal Access" form and return it to your child's school.
It is only necessary to return one Access form but each child must be listed at the bottom of the form. Click here. You must have your child's Local Student ID, or SSN, and Date of Birth. Click here.
Woodbury High School serves students in grades 9-12 and is part of SoWashCo Schools. We offer a comprehensive curriculum of 150+ courses, placing emphasis on college preparation, including Advanced Placement, Project Lead the Way, and College in the Schools.
Families can pick up two free meals (one breakfast and one lunch) for their child in middle or high school from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 22 at the East Ridge High School activities entrance or the Park High School main entrance. Barcodes will not be required. Please only visit one site.