st cecilia parent portal

by Noah Nienow 4 min read

What is the address for St Cecilia School?

CECILIA SCHOOL 302 West Main Street Broussard , LA 70518 St. Cecilia School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, or national or ethnic origin, in its admission policies or educational programs. ParentsWeb FACTS

Why St Cecelia School?

St. Cecelia School maintains a strong and active partnership with its parents, students, faculty, staff, parishes and community at large. Joining together with a common purpose for the betterment of the school and embracing opportunities for involvement creating a lasting and positive effect on the entire school family.

Do you need to list all your children who attend St Cecilia's?

Please list all of your children who attend St. Cecilia's currently for 2021-2022 school year AND their grade. REQUIRED Please fill out this field. Our family will be returning next school year (2022-2023). REQUIRED Yes No

What are the admission policies at St Cecilia?

St. Cecilia School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, or national or ethnic origin, in its admission policies or educational programs. ParentsWeb FACTS AdvancED City of Broussard Contact Us About Academics Spirituality Campus Life Admissions Giving


Ever Ancient and Ever New

The founding of St. Cecilia Academy was simultaneous with the founding of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation in 1860. Surviving the early tests of the Civil War and then subsequent reconstruction, the Great Depression and two more World Wars, St. Cecilia stands today as the oldest continually operating private school in Nashville.

Recent News

This past weekend, the SCA Robotics team, LadyBots, brought home 1st place for the Motivate Award at the TN State Competition.

Connect With Us

Exercising its mission on the foundation of the life and teaching of the Catholic Church, St. Cecilia Academy ennobles young women, equips them to excel, and inspires them to lead lives of integrity.
