st olaf college parent portal

by Kyleigh Boehm 7 min read

How do I make payments to St Olaf College?

Mail payment to: St. Olaf College at 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057. All payments should include your student’s name and ID #. We cannot accept any payments over the phone. International Wires: St. Olaf has partnered with Flywire to allow easy access to making international payments.

How do I get health insurance at St Olaf?

St. Olaf requires all student to have health insurance coverage. All students are billed health insurance and will be automatically enrolled after the 10th day of the term unless they provide proof of coverage and waive St. Olaf’s health insurance . Review the information and enroll online.

What makes St Olaf unique?

A high-level view of what makes St. Olaf unique. Our campus is a place where students are excited to engage with each other academically, socially, and in extracurricular activities. There’s nothing more valuable than hearing from current students. Learn how Oles use our vocation and career center to start their career paths!

Are in-person visits returning to St Olaf?

In-person visits have returned to St. Olaf! Our student tour guides are excited to meet you and show you the spaces on campus where Oles live, take class, and connect with each other.

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When will SIS statements be posted?

Statements will be posted to a student’s SIS account the beginning of July for fall semester and January for spring semester. Students (and parent, if given access) will receive an email when the statement is available.

What is the purpose of FERPA?

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s educational records , which include billing and financial aid.

Education for the 21st Century

All parents have two basic questions in mind as their sons and daughters look ahead to college:


We are one of the most transparent colleges in the nation is providing information about immediate activities of our most recent graduates.


St. Olaf has a long tradition of meeting the demonstrated need of all admitted students. Our financial aid web pages have detailed information about scholarships, need-based financial aid, and a Net Price Calculator that will give you an estimate of what kind of financial aid your son or daughter might receive.

Where Does it Lead?

Academically challenging, intensely residential, globally aware, and built on the strong foundation of our Lutheran tradition, the St. Olaf experience develops skills that lead to long-term success: financial independence, professional accomplishment, personal fulfillment, and community engagement.

Virtual Visit Experience

Schedule a virtual visit with your Admissions Officer or a current student!

Discover St. Olaf

Oles don’t all look alike or think alike, but what they do share is an enthusiasm. An optimism. A work ethic driven by the knowledge that anything is possible, the answer to every problem is yes, that what’s broken needs fixing, what’s working can be improved. Oles think harder, dive deeper.


Education For The 21st Century

  • All parents have two basic questions in mind as their sons and daughters look ahead to college: 1. Will this be a good investment? 2. How will we afford it? From the first day on campus, all the way to graduation and beyond, St. Olaf helps students prepare for their futures. That’s four years of great classes, internships, study abroad, and all of ...
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  • We are one of the most transparent colleges in the nation is providing information about immediate activities of our most recent graduates. You can check out our Outcomespage for full details, but here’s the quick version: about 90 percent of the class of 2013 was employed, working for national or international service organizations, or in graduate or professional schools by the f…
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  • St. Olaf has a long tradition of meeting the demonstrated need of all admitted students. Our financial aid web pages have detailed information about scholarships, need-based financial aid, and a Net Price Calculatorthat will give you an estimate of what kind of financial aid your son or daughter might receive.
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Where Does It Lead?

  • Academically challenging, intensely residential, globally aware, and built on the strong foundation of our Lutheran tradition, the St. Olaf experience develops skills that lead to long-term success: financial independence, professional accomplishment, personal fulfillment, and community engagement. There is an enthusiastic alumni network spanning the globe, ready and willing to o…
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