sti information now parent portal

by Abigail Lemke 4 min read

How do I obtain a parent/guardian login to informationnow?

To obtain a parent/guardian login to InformationNOW, please contact the school. Users must receive a user name and password, as well as the Web site URL, to access the program. • To log in, open a Web browser window. • Go to the Web site URL as given by the school to access InformationNOW.

How do I login to the parent portal and iNOW?

Network Authentication UN = parentaccess PW = Letmein! Then use your unique username and password to login to INow or the Parent Portal. Inow and Parent Portal Use your unique username and password to login to INow or the Parent Portal.

How do I log in to informationnow?

• To log in, open a Web browser window. • Go to the Web site URL as given by the school to access InformationNOW. • Enter the User Name and Password. • Click Login.

How do I login to the Selma City Parent Portal?

NEW Directions! New Secure Login for Parents requires double login. You will need to login to the Selma City Secure Web Portal using the these credentials (User Name = parentaccess, Password = Letmein!) Then you will have access to the Parent Portal, and can use the user name and password provided to you from your childs school.


Congratulations to Our Teachers of the Year!

Congratulations to All of Our Teachers of the Year Winners! You go above and beyond for our students and we couldn't be more thankful!


On May 12, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education released information for school districts regarding the Federal Communication Commission's Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB). The EBB is a temporary federal program to help eligible families pay for internet service during the pandemic.

Important Links

For 2021-2022, we will have a new way to check students in and out, as well as send excuses to our registrars and secretaries.

Download our PCS App!

Visit the App or Google Play stores to download the all new Phenix City Schools app!

Withdrawal Requests

Please complete a withdrawal request if you are planning on not attending school 2020-2021.

CNP Request for Refund

If you are withdrawing, please visit here to request a refund from MySchoolBucks.
