taft parent portal

by Joan Schultz 5 min read

What are the values of William Taft?

More than a century has passed since Mr. Taft founded our school. While the world and the school have changed dramatically, his fundamental values endure: work hard, without regard for public acclaim; develop all your talents: academic, artistic, and athletic; and most importantly, give of yourself to others.

How do I apply to Taft University?

We want applying to Taft to be easy. Here’s what you need to do: Taft requires applicants to use the Standard Application Online (SAO), which is administered by The Enrollment Management Association. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CREATE BOTH A TAFT PORTAL AND AN SSAT ACCOUNT. Note your usernames and passwords, and bookmark these links for easier access.

What is it like to attend Taft?

Taft is a school with heart. Our sense of community is strong, and extends to every aspect of campus life. Taft has been built, brick by brick, through the collective generosity of generations of alumni, parents, families, and friends.

Why Taft Alumni?

Taft has been built, brick by brick, through the collective generosity of generations of alumni, parents, families, and friends. Not to be served but to serve is more than our motto, it is the underlying principle that shapes our perspectives and guides our actions every day. Class of 2021: Welcome to the alumni community! Why Taft?


What time does Taft Parent Center open?

Julie Hoskins, Taft Parent Center Director. 818-227-3666 / or email us at Taftparentcenter@tafthigh.org. Hours: 10:00am -2:00pm. Located just north of the Toreador Center.

What is parent center?

A parent center provides parents with a room or space set aside for their own use at the school; it facilitates communication among families and between families and the school; it provides tools and information for families to assist and support their student's education.
