tampa prep parent portal

by Chelsie O'Keefe 6 min read

Where is Tampa Prep School located?

Where is the school located? Tampa Prep is located at 727 W. Cass St. in the heart of downtown Tampa on the Hillsborough River. We are the only private school downtown, and that location affords us the opportunity for partnerships with local businesses that benefit our students and our facility.

Where can I get help with mytampaprep?

MyTampaPrep is where you will: For assistance, email mtpinfo@tampaprep.org or call (813) 251-8481 x4055.

What is prep school?

“Prep school” can be synonymous with a conventional, inflexible approach to education. We are redefining PREP as a dynamic, preparation for life with a higher purpose than self.


What is the Tampa Prep Parents Alliance?

Through the Tampa Prep Parents Alliance (TPPA), parents partner with the school to volunteer and provide support for activities, events and programs. The partnership between Prep and our families is vital for student success.

What time does TPPA meet?

To stay current on all TPPA events (and there are MANY throughout the year!) parents are welcome to attend monthly TPPA meetings held at the school at 9:00 a.m. (usually on a Wednesday). Dates can be found via the school calendar. Please note: Due to limited access on campus, all TPPA events listed on the current 2020-2021 calendar are ON HOLD until further notice. Be sure to read the TPPA section of the Thursday newsletter, and visit the Parent Portal for additional details.

Where is Tampa Prep located?

Tampa Prep is located at 727 W. Cass St. in the heart of downtown Tampa on the Hillsborough River. We are the only private school downtown, and that location affords us the opportunity for partnerships with local businesses that benefit our students and our facility.

Does Tampa Prep have a waitlist?

Ninety-four percent of Tampa Prep families return each year, so open seats are limited. Tampa Prep does make use of a waitlist. The opportunity Tampa Prep has to admit students from its waitlist changes from year to year. Read more admissions FAQ.

Yearbook Pictures

Yearbook pictures will be taken on Oct. 13 for both Middle School and Upper School students. Picture make-up days for students that were absent will be Nov. 17. After the scheduled Picture Day, families will receive a proof and order form from Studio Artistry by mail.

Senior Yearbook Pictures

All seniors must be photographed as early in the school year as possible to ensure their inclusion for print deadlines set for the yearbook staff. At the very latest, all seniors should have an appointment scheduled prior to Winter Break.

Yearbook Tributes

As a tradition, the Tampa Prep yearbook, Talisman, provides a venue for parents to congratulate their graduating senior, the graduation of an 8th grader into the Upper School, or simply congratulate a son or daughter on their academic or athletic success. Families can design their tributes at home using the Balfour AdBuilder.

Important Dates for Seniors

PLEASE NOTE: The timeline for all events will be evaluated to ensure each can be conducted safely, thus all events are subject to change. We are all hopeful that conditions will be better in the spring, but we have also learned that this pandemic is not going away the way we would like.

Senior Year FAQ

Seniors should have completed or at least booked their portrait session. If they have not, they should contact Studio Artistry as soon as possible, 813-873-7959.
