temple parent portal

by Adeline Connelly 3 min read

What is the temple parent and family program?

The Temple Parent and Family Program exists to partner with parents and families in order to ensure student success from enrollment through commencement. This is done by providing opportunities for parents and families to engage with their students, the University, faculty and staff, as well as other parents and family members.

What is the parent and Family Experience Portal?

The Parent and Family Experience Portal is a new way to stay involved with your student and Temple University. Once you create an account, you can select the type and frequency of information you receive. If your email address or contact information changes, please update this on your Parent and Family Experience profile.

Can I make payments through Tupay for the Temple University Japan Campus?

Please note that payments for the Temple University Japan Campus cannot be made through TUpay except for Main Campus students studying at the Japan Campus for a summer semester or academic year. Access TUpay to make a payment by e-check or credit card if you owe a balance to the University.


Welcome to the Temple family!

Congratulations on your student’s decision to attend Temple! Families play such an important role in our students’ success. We want you to know that we value your partnership and that we look forward to working together to help your student succeed.

Advice from the Temple Family Council

Your student’s new beginning at Temple is a transition for the entire family. Our Temple Family Council shares their experience as Temple family members and their advice for you as your student starts their first semester at Temple.

Martha Dixon

"My advice to new families is to communicate! This will entail learning your student’s new language; their new method of communicating as an independent young adult. Find what keeps you connected and embrace it!”

Parent and Family Experience Portal

Stay involved with your student and connect to Temple by joining our Parent and Family Experience Portal. This interface is an easy way to stay up-to-date with university news, important deadlines that impact your student, events and activities.
