tom bean parent portal

by Elisabeth Adams 8 min read

Is Tom Bean ISD a good school district?

Tom Bean ISD Earns a Perfect Score on the State's Fiscal Accountability Rating for the Third Year in a Row November 15, 2021 - Tom Bean Independent School District superintendent Kelly Lusk announced that the district received a perfect rating under Texas' School FIRST financial accountability rating system for Texas school districts.

Does the Tom Bean ISD offer a virtual learning option?

At this time, the Tom Bean ISD will not offer a virtual learning option during the 2021-22 school year. The state legislature is meeting in a special session called by the governor. This decision could possibly be reversed pending rules from TEA relating to this session.

Is Tom Bean ISD school cancelled due to icy roads?

Due to the icy roads, Tom Bean ISD has decided the safest course of action is to cancel school on Friday, February 4th. All after school activities will be cancelled or moved to another date.


Tom Bean Independent School District

Stadium construction was delayed by spring rains and difficulty obtaining materials but is moving forward.

Public Notice

At this time, the Tom Bean ISD will not offer a virtual learning option during the 2021-22 school year. The state legislature is meeting in a special session called by the governor. This decision could possibly be reversed pending rules from TEA relating to this session.

Superintendent's Blog

Come see what Mr. Lusk has to say about saving the district $53,000 a year for the next 25 years .

News and Information

Tom Bean ISD Earns a Perfect Score on the State's Fiscal Accountability Rating for the Third Year in a Row

Tom Bean Independent School District

Stadium construction was delayed by spring rains and difficulty obtaining materials but is moving forward.

Public Notice

At this time, the Tom Bean ISD will not offer a virtual learning option during the 2021-22 school year. The state legislature is meeting in a special session called by the governor. This decision could possibly be reversed pending rules from TEA relating to this session.

Superintendent's Blog

Come see what Mr. Lusk has to say about saving the district $53,000 a year for the next 25 years .

News and Information

Tom Bean ISD Earns a Perfect Score on the State's Fiscal Accountability Rating for the Third Year in a Row
