trenton parent portal

by Alexandrea Zboncak 9 min read

How do I sign up for parentportal?

You will be emailed a PIN (Personal Identification Number) and password once the registration process is complete. Once you have received this information, you can access ParentPortal through the Trenton Public Schools website ( Once you are logged in, all of your students should appear under one account.

What is the Parent Connect site?

Through Every Day Matters – and the new online Parent Connect site – you can find what you need to help keep students on track and in school. Parent Connect helps moms, dads, and guardians be full partners in their children’s education. Parent Connect also is a way for families to find school and community resources.

What is a district Parent Coordinator and parent liaison?

The District Parent Coordinator and Parent Liaisons work together as a team to connect families to school and community services and resources. A Parent Liaison is a school support staff that connects parents to resources needed between home and school to further students’ academic and social success.

Is there an AM preschool in Trenton R-IX?

No AM Preschool. No Breakfast Trenton R-IX will be conducting SafeDefend intruder drills in each building on Monday, 1/31/22. The drills will be in the a.m., and include law enforcement, student, and staff participation. Feel free to visit with your child about this activity before Monday.


Does Trenton R-IX offer free meals?

Trenton R-IX will continue to offer FREE MEALS to all students through the USDA-SSO extension. Families should continue to complete the Free & Reduced Application to have on file. This program will...

Is Trenton R-IX updated?

Trenton R-IX has a new, updated App!! Make sure you are up-to-date on your cell phone or tablet to see all the new features. Visit your App store today to download/update. Go Bulldogs!
