triton parent portal

by Mortimer Ullrich 8 min read

Who has access to tritonlink?

Only the student has access to TritonLink. Once a parent is made an authorized payer through TritonLink, the parent has access to the Parent Portal to view and pay the bill as well as other useful functions.

What is an authorized payer through tritonlink?

Once a parent is made an authorized payer through TritonLink, the parent has access to the Parent Portal to view and pay the bill as well as other useful functions. In order for Student Financial Solutions to provide details regarding your student's account, the parent must be set up as an authorized payer.

How do I contact housing dining hospitality or tritonlink?

Housing: contact Housing Dining Hospitality | (858) 534-4010 | The TritonLink is your student's portal to set up a parent, provide access to a parent to view the bill, and reset the parent when there are login issues.



Triton takes bullying very seriously. Bullying includes any overt, unwanted, and repeated acts or gestures committed by one student or group against another. People bully in order to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm. Click on one of the links below for more information.


Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin and characterized by difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition and poor spelling and decoding abilities. It typically results from a deficit in the phonological component of language. It is unrelated to intelligence and is not a problem with vision.

Harmony Push Notifications

Triton School Corporation is happy to announce a new feature on the Harmony program that will allow parents to stay in touch with their child's progress at school. This feature is known as a "push notification", and each parent can set up the type and frequency of the communication.

Triton Educational Endowment

The Triton School Board established the Triton Educational Endowment Fund in honor of the 50th anniversary of Triton School Corporation. The fund is a permanent fund at the Marshall County Community Foundation.

Triton Regional High School

Celebrating our School Resource Officer on Law enforcement Appreciation Day!


Donate and help us make Coach Doyle's legacy a permanent part of Triton!

District Counseling Program

The Black Horse Pike has developed its own counseling program in coordination with The Center for Family Guidance (S.T.O.P.).

P.R.I.D.E. Program

The STANG PROGRAM is a local incetinve program that supports our goal for ALL students to graduate.

What is parent connect?

Parent Connect helps moms, dads, and guardians be full partners in their children’s education. Parent Connect also is a way for families to find school and community resources. It’s a source of useful tips and guides. YouTube.

What is a parent liaison?

A Parent Liaison is a school support staff that connects parents to resources needed between home and school to further students’ academic and social success. This position plays a vital role to promote parental involvement .

What is the Columbus School Parent Corner?

The Columbus School Parent Corner is a direct link for families to receive updates, notifications and resources from Mr. Lorenzo Gonzalez, the Parent Liaison. Click on bitmoji image to go directly to the Columbus Parent Corner Site.

Is TPS a community school?

TPS is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision under the National School Lunch Program. However, to determine eligibility for your child (ren) to receive additional benefits you will need to complete a household and income form
