trumbull high parent portal

by Hailey Dach 4 min read

Where can I find information about the Trumbull Public Schools?

Below are links to the State Department of Education reports regarding the Trumbull Public Schools. You are able to view your child’s information online via the Trumbull Public School’s website using the Parent Portal section of our online student information database, Infinite Campus.

Where is high school in Trumbull CT?

High School: Trumbull High School -72 Strobel Road, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611. (203) 452-4531. This email address is being protected from spambots.

What is the health assessment policy for Trumbull Public Schools?

Each pupil, before initial enrollment in the Trumbull Public Schools shall have had a health assessment. In addition, each pupil enrolled in Trumbull Public Schools shall have a health assessment at least once in each three year interval: in grade three, in grade six, and in grade nine.

What is the Trumbull alternate school?

The Trumbull Alternate School is an extension of Trumbull High School. This setting offers students the opportunity to succeed behaviorally and academically in a small classroom environment.


What is the Trumbull Board of Education's food allergy policy?

It is the policy of the Trumbull Board of Education to provide for a Food Allergy Management plan to maintain the health and safety of students with life-threatening food allergies. Each plan will be developmentally appropriate, promote self-advocacy and competence in self-care, and provide educational opportunities. The purpose of this policy is to:

Can a child of school age attend Trumbull?

It is the policy of the Trumbull Board of Education that any child of school age who resides in the Town of Trumbull may attend the Trumbull Public Schools. To verify that they are a bona fide resident of Trumbull, based on the Trumbull Board of Education Residency Policy (5111/Eligibility to Attend Trumbull Public Schools) you will be required ...

What is Trumbull Alternate School?

The Trumbull Alternate School is an extension of Trumbull High School. This setting offers students the opportunity to succeed behaviorally and academically in a small classroom environment.

Is there a hotline for Trumbull schools?

In an attempt to ensure that students from other districts are not attending the Trumbull Public Schools illegally, a reporting hotline has been established effective immediately. Anyone with reason to believe that a student attending a Trumbull public school does not live in Trumbull is asked to make an anonymous report to ...
