tvcsd parent portal

by Andres Hansen 3 min read

What is the SchoolTool Parent Portal?

The schooltool Parent Portal allows you to enter into an exciting partnership with your child and the Valley Central School District. Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which you are able to view district-permitted details of your student’s academic records.

What are the features of the parent portal?

Middle School/High School: Student Demographics, Progress Reports, Assessments, Schedules, Attendance Records, Bus Routes, Course Requests (HS Only) Web-based in it’s communication, Parent Portal allows you access to your student’s profile via the internet anytime, anywhere.

When will report cards return to the parent portal?

grading purposes and will return on or about December 15th. Report Cards for Quarter 1 are now available in the 'Documents' module on the Parent Portal and Student Portal.

How do I get a GUID key for the parent portal?

PARENT PORTAL NOTICE TO ALL PARENTS: Parents who need to get their initial GUID key number to create their parent portal account can contact the main office of their child's school. Parents who have forgotten or lost their username and password should email .



Students of Minnesauke Elementary School will strive to achieve their highest academic potential while respecting themselves and all others as reflected in our Minnesauke STARS Pledge.

Positive COVID cases

School districts must continue to report positive cases of COVID-19 to Suffolk County Department of Health. According to the CDC, people who are fully vaccinated do not need to quarantine after contact with someone who has COVID-19 unless they have symptoms.

Milk & Cookies Night

The Three Village Elementary Librarians will be hosting a virtual Milk & Cookies Night on Tuesday, March 1st at 7:00PM for Read Across America Day!

What is parent portal?

Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which you are able to view district-permitted details of your student’s academic records. Web-based in it’s communication, Parent Portal allows you access to your student’s profile via the internet anytime, anywhere.

What is Valley Central School District?

Valley Central School District recognize s the critical role that parents and guardians play in their child’s education. The schooltool Parent Portal allows you to enter into an exciting partnership with your child and the Valley Central School District.

What browsers use SchoolTool?

SchoolTool is best viewed when using Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Safari 5.0 or higher, Google Chrome 40 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox version 35 or higher . An ActiveX Print Control must be installed on all Internet Explorer clients that will require printing of reports.

Creating Your Account

Please read the " Instructions on creating a Parent Portal account " document before creating your Parent Portal account.

Accessing Your Account

After you create your Parent Portal account, you can access it by going to
