ucvts parent portal

by Dr. Foster Cartwright 6 min read

What is the CVS Parent Portal and how does it work?

The CVS Parent Portal allows parents to access important information about their children. Parents of children grades K-12 may access grades, attendance, lunch balance and school messenger settings. Students in grades 6-12 may also access grade and attendance information through their own portal account.

How do students access grade and attendance information from CVS?

Students in grades 6-12 may also access grade and attendance information through their own portal account. SchoolMessenger is also available for parents to receive updates from CVS schools via phone, email or text message.

Who can access the grade and attendance portal?

Parents of children grades K-12 may access grades, attendance, lunch balance and school messenger settings. Students in grades 6-12 may also access grade and attendance information through their own portal account.

Is there lead in the drinking water at UCVTS?

On April 23, 2022, lead in drinking water sampling was conducted. Click here for more! Monthly district newsletter of upcoming events. Information regarding the UCVTS COVID-19 response during the 2021-2022 school year


December Student of the Month

Ashleigh Ribe, a sophomore in our Culinary Program, has been selected December 2021 Student of the Month for full time programs. Luke Dolinoy, a Senior in our Plumbing Program has been selected December 2021 Student of the Month for share time programs.

Share Time Allied Health Program

Sophomores interested in the healthcare industry may apply for a unique opportunity to take courses at Pequannock High School and complete a clinical internship at Chilton Hospital.

Share Time Programs in Partnership with County College of Morris

Information Session on Wednesday, February 23 at 6:30 PM, located at County College of Morris, Randolph in the Student Center Davidson Rooms.


In honor of Black History Month, MCST is commemorating by sharing quotes, history, and inspiration each day.


February is Career and Technical Education Month. Let's celebrate the value of CTE programs!

Share Time Programs Information Sessions

10th grade students and families are invited to learn about half day specialized career and technical education programs as part of a students junior and senior year of high school.

November Student of the Month

Matthew Martino, a Junior in our Academy for Global Supply Chain Management, has been selected November 2021 Student of the Month for full time programs. Ryan Lutz, a Senior in our buildings & Grounds Program has been selected November 2021 Student of the Month for share time programs.
