uga parent portal

by Thalia Herzog 3 min read

How do I create a UGA parent account for multiple students?

As of 07/02/20, if the parent has more than one student at UGA, the Secure Portal allows a parent to create a single UGA parent account for multiple UGA students. The Secure Portal will automatically link any students whose FAFSA matches the parent account information once the e-sign request is sent to the parent.

What if I have more than one student at UGA?

Prior to 07/02/20, if the parent has more than one student at UGA, the Secure Portal requires a parent to create separate UGA parent accounts for each UGA student.

How do I access UGA online services?

Please click the icons below to access UGA online services. To log in to eLC, Athena and Employee Services, you will need ArchPass, UGA’s two-step login solution. Please note: The University of Georgia subscription to Gartner content and services is no longer available.

Is the subscription available to UGA students only?

Please note: Both subscriptions are available to UGA students only as it is paid for using student activity fees.


What is OSFA secure portal?

What is the OSFA Secure Portal? The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) has implemented a secure portal for students and parents to upload required documentation (such as tax forms) to complete the federal aid process.

What does it mean to have two parents on FAFSA?

This means when completing the Dependent Verification form, you listed two parents in the household but on the FAFSA you indicated your parent was divorced/separated or never married. Remember – the information on the FAFSA is not necessarily that of both biological parents, it is the household of the parent with which you lived more than 50% of the year last year. If that parent has remarried, your stepparent’s information must be included on the FAFSA. OSFA will use the parent’s marriage license to update the marital status on the FAFSA and you will be asked to provide tax information for your parent and stepparent.

What file formats does OSFA accept?

The OSFA Secure Portal accepts files in the following formats: PDF, PNG, BMP, or JPG. If you attempt to upload a document and it is not accepted, save the document in a different format and try to upload again. PDF is the recommended format.

Can I use my parent's email to verify my OSFA account?

When creating an account in the OSFA Secure Portal, a parent user is required to provide their email address. The parent will receive an email containing a link to verify their email address. Once the parent has verified their email address, they can use the “for got username” or “forgot password” links on the login screen.

Does OSFA need to include stepparents on FAFSA?

If that parent has remarried, your stepparent’s information must be included on the FAFSA. OSFA will use the parent’s marriage license to update the marital status on the FAFSA and you will be asked to provide tax information for your parent and stepparent.
