uisd net tyler parent portal

by Mr. Myron Hudson 5 min read

How do I log in to the Tyler Parent Portal?

Once the registration process has been completed, a password will be sent to the email address indicated on the registration form. Parents can then visit www.uisd.net, click the Tyler Parent Portal icon, and log on by entering their email address and password.

How do I get access to the parent portal?

For Parent Portal access, please visit your child’s campus and register. A valid and current email address is required to register for parent portal. Once you are registered, all credentials to access the parent portal will be provided to you. Please contact your child’s campus for assistance with account credentials.

What credentials are required to register for the parent portal?

A valid and current email address is required to register for parent portal. Once you are registered, all credentials to access the parent portal will be provided to you. Please contact your child’s campus for assistance with account credentials.


Support via online (Email) or Phone

For additional online support or if you have any questions regarding Online Registration, please email onlineregistrationsupport@uisd.net. Provide your full name, telephone number and a brief description of the support needed. You may also call 956-473-6349 - Office of Admissions – Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Apoyo en línea (correo electrónico) o por teléfono

Para apoyo en línea adicional o si tiene preguntas sobre las Inscripciones en Línea, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a onlineregistrationsupport@uisd.net. Por favor indique su nombre completo, número de teléfono y una descripción breve de las preguntas que tenga.
