unh parent portal account

by Miss Layla Leffler 3 min read

What is a Parent Portal account?

Students are able to establish Parent Portal accounts for individuals and grant access to the students financial account, financial aid award and/or final grades. Access is authorized by the student for each portal account holder.

Who can view student data in Parent Portal?

This Task has been designed for use by Student, Staff, Parent, Prospective Student. Students may authorize Parent Portal users to view selected student data such as billing and payment information, final grades and financial aid. There are no new Announcements. There are no dismissed Announcements.

How do parents login to the parent portal in Webcat?

Students begin the process by choosing Add/Manage Users under the Parent Portal option in Webcat. Parents will receive email with temporary password and activation instructions. Once activated, parents can log in to the Parent Portal through the button below.


How do you make a parent portal in UNH?

Set Up Parent Portal AccountsLog into Webcat.Select Parent Portal then Add/Manage Users.Follow the on-screen directions.

What is a passing grade at UNH?

The minimum passing grade for credit is a D- (0.67); any grade below this minimum is a fail. All grades will be recorded on the grade roster as A, B, C, D, F, or intermediate grades. The pass/fail marks will be placed on students' transcripts and grade reports by the Registrar's Office.

How much is the Presidential Scholarship at UNH?

Merit-Based Scholarships: General InformationScholarshipWeighted GPA RangeNH ResidentChancellor's Scholarship3.90 - 4.00$7,000Presidential Scholarship3.70 - 3.89$5,000Dean's Scholarship3.50 - 3.69$3,000Director's Scholarship3.10 - 3.49$1,0001 more row

How do I pay my UNH deposit?

Submit Enrollment Deposit Pay your $400 enrollment deposit by the due date on your letter (Fall Term Admits Only) or secure your space at UNH today by completing the enrollment verification form (Spring Term Admits Only). To pay by mail, be sure to include your name and UNH student ID # on the check.

What is a B+ at UNH?

The University reserves the right to modify grading and honors practices. A (4.0) Excellent. A- (3.67) Intermediate grade. B+ (3.33) Intermediate grade. B (3.0) Superior.

What is a C at UNH?

Grading and Withdrawal Policies and GuidelinesA(4.00)excellentC+(2.33)intermediate gradeC(2.00)satisfactory, competentC-(1.67)intermediate gradeD+(1.33)intermediate grade7 more rows

What GPA is required for scholarships in USA?

between 3.5 to 4.0Students who hold a GPA between 3.5 to 4.0 typically stand out the most to institutions awarding academic scholarships. Since many students may receive high GPAs, colleges often grant scholarships to those who meet other criteria in addition to having a high GPA.

How much is Harvard tuition?

54,002 USD (2019 ā€“ 20)Harvard University / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How much is Holy Cross tuition?

54,770 USD (2019 ā€“ 20)College of the Holy Cross / Undergraduate tuition and fees

Is UNH deposit refundable?

Program Fee: The program fee deposit payment is non-refundable. If you withdraw on or after the UNH tuition payment deadline, we will offer no refund of fees.

Does UNH take transfer credits?

Transfer credit is awarded for completed courses with a grade of ā€œCā€ or better, provided those courses are comparable to courses offered at UNH. No portion of the student's grade point average will transfer; transfer grades are not calculated into the UNH gpa.

How do you commit to UNH?

Follow this checklist to complete your enrollment and be ready for your first semester as an undergraduate student.Confirm Your Enrollment.Apply for Financial Aid.Apply for Housing and Dining.Access Email and Sign Up for UNH Alerts.Register and Attend Orientation.Submit Health Forms.Tuition Payment.More items...