uticak12 org parent portal

by Ms. Addison Kiehn PhD 6 min read

What is the Utica City School District Parent Portal?

The Utica City School District has been providing a Parent Portal, which will allow you access to your child's school information 24/7 through the internet. This will include your child’s marking period grades, schedule, attendance, and demographic information.

What kind of services does Utica Community Schools offer?

Utica Center for Science and Industry Utica Community Schools Virtual Academy Adult Education Early Childhood School Age Child Care Enrichment ESL District Leadership Superintendent's Office Auxiliary Services Device Insurance Plan Business Services Food And Nutrition Services

Who is the superintendent of Utica Community Schools?

Sign On Information 05 July, 2016 09:26 AM 232 KB Tutorial 05 July, 2016 09:27 AM 587 KB Utica Community Schools (586) 797-1000(586) 797-1001 11303 Greendale, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 Robert S. Monroe, Superintendent of Schools questions@uticak12.org

What kind of schools are in Utica NY?

Gene L. Klida Utica Academy for International Studies Stevenson Manufacturing, Automation and Design Engineering Utica Center for Mathematics, Science and Technology Utica Center for Science and Industry Utica Community Schools Virtual Academy Adult Education Early Childhood School Age Child Care Enrichment ESL District Leadership


Latest News & Announcements

West Utica Elementary students walk the red carpet to learn more about confidence.

UCS Vision

All children have the right to a rigorous, high-quality education which meets their individual needs. UCS will respect, encourage and empower each and every student to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to be successful, contributing members of a diverse community and global society.

When is kindergarten registration 2021?

Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-2022 school year has begun. Your child/children must be five years old by December 1, 2021, to be registered for Kindergarten. Endicott Police Department survey. The EPD has put together a survey to gather input from the community. Click here to take the survey.

What is the mission of Union Endicott School?

The mission of the Union-Endicott School community is to develop students who are responsible, self-directed, involved, lifelong learners. The students, staff, parents, and community encourage learners to develop a deeper understanding of self, a respect for others and an understanding of their place in the world community.
