ventura usd parent portal

by Tony Reinger 9 min read

Where can I find the Ventura unified school district board meeting agendas?

Agendas for Ventura Unified School District meetings of the Board of Education may be found on the Board of Education pages. Additionally, agendas for upcoming regular board meeting may be accessed directly by clicking HERE and special board meeting may be accessed HERE for November 22, 2021 once the agenda has been published.

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool Parent Portal allows parents and legal guardians to view and monitor their students' class schedule, grades, attendance and other school data. You can access the data from a website or use the Apple or Android app on your smartphone or tablet.

What is the VUSD and community resources page?

The VUSD and Community Resources page includes resources and information regarding Mental Health, Community Resources, Food and Nutrition services, Academic Tools, Special Programs and more. Go here for more information onthe declining enrollment committee.


Schools of Choice (SOC)

Schools of Choice (SOC) is the process Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) uses to give parents who reside within the VUSD boundary a choice to select a school within VUSD that they feel will most benefit their child. Schools and programs are identified based on space availablity for additional students.

VUSD is Hiring!

We are hiring in all positions; substitute teachers, custodial, accounting, food & nutrition, clerical, paraeducators, sign language interpreters, bus drivers and more! For more information, visit our Human Resources webpage,

Fall 2021-22 School Year and COVID-19 Resources

Agendas for Ventura Unified School District meetings of the Board of Education may be found on the Board of Education pages. Additionally, agendas for upcoming regular board meeting may be accessed directly by clicking HERE and special board meeting may be accessed HERE for October 26, 2021 once the agenda has been published.

What is PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool Parent Portal allows parents and legal guardians to view and monitor their students' class schedule, grades, attendance and other school data. You can access the data from a website or use the Apple or Android app on your smartphone or tablet.

How to create a PowerSchool account?

1) Using your Internet browser, go to our PowerSchool Parent Portal website: 2) Click on the Create Account tab, and then the Create Account button.
