vista parent portal

by Benny Schimmel 5 min read

Who can get a parent portal or campus portal?

Anyone listed as the student’s guardians can get a parent portal. Guardians and parents are only allowed to see the students that are listed in their household. Students will only see their own individual information. Access to the Campus portal is determined by the school district.

What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

What is Infinite Campus: Parent Portal? The Infinite Campus Portal provides a direct communication from the school to the parents/guardians and also allows students to access their own information like grades, attendance, assignments, fees, etc. Who can get a Parent Portal?

What is the Sora portal?

More about accessing the portal. Sora is a new reading and listening app from OverDrive and Granite School District. With Sora, students and staff can access a large collection of ebooks and audiobooks for independent, self-directed, or teacher-assigned reading.


What is infinite portal?

The Infinite Campus Portal provides a direct communication from the school to the parents/guardians and also allows students to access their own information like grades, attendance, assignments, fees, etc.

What does attendance link mean?

Attendance: The attendance link displays attendance data that has been entered by the school. Users have the ability to scroll backwards and forwards to view a three month period. All entries are color coded to indicate Excused (green), Unexcused (red), Exempt (grey) or Unknown (yellow)

What is the Fees link?

Fees: The Fees link displays all fees for the current school year only for the student.

When do teachers record attendance?

However, there are times when the attendance may not be entered until the end of the day.

Can guardians see my student?

Anyone listed as the student’s guardians can get a parent portal. Guardians and parents are only allowed to see the students that are listed in their household. Students will only see their own individual information. Access to the Campus portal is determined by the school district.

Do teachers enter their classes daily?

All teachers do enter their classes daily. The Infinite Campus Student Information System pulls the information automatically from the data entered in the teacher grade book. Grades and attendance are available for viewing as soon as a teacher enters the information in their grade book.

What can you see on the Parent Portal?

By accessing the Parent Portal, you can view your child’s progress and additional information. You can learn more about setting up your portal account in Parent-Portal-Initial-Set-up

What is Sora app?

Sora is a new reading and listening app from OverDrive and Granite School District. With Sora, students and staff can access a large collection of ebooks and audiobooks for independent, self-directed, or teacher-assigned reading. Students can read or listen to these books using a Chromebook, desktop computer, or personal mobile device

Questions About Grades?

If you have a questions about your or your student's grades, please contact the teacher of that class directly. Their contact information can be accessed by using the staff directory located on the main RBV website.

Parent Portal

We recommend students and parents monitor their Parent Portal frequently. You can access student grades, attendance, graduation status, class schedule and much more!

Weekly Progress Reports

If you would like to monitor your or your student's grades on a weekly basis, you may pick up a green weekly progress report in the Counseling Office or print them below

Transcript Requests

For information about official transcripts, including ordering a transcript, please click here
