wava k12 com parent portal

by Dr. Reinhold Torp MD 7 min read

What is the WAVA K12 high school program?

For high school, WAVA uses the K12 high school program from K12. Whether targeting a top-tier four-year university, a local community college, or an immediate career, WAVA prepares students to maximize their post-high school success through K12 high school. Families can choose the standard WAVA program or the new FLEX Program.

What is the K12 enrollment center?

Your central hub for all K12 re-registrations and enrollments. If you're new to the Enrollment center, also referred to as the "Parent Portal", please get started by creating an account. If you have created an account, please enter your username and password to login.

Do I have to consent to have K12 contact me?

By requesting this information, you consent to have a K12 or school representative contact you directly at the number provided, whether by person or a device that will automatically dial your home or cell phone. Consent not required for purchases. Considering WAVA? Oops! Looks like you forgot something. Which grades are you interested in?


What is WAVA in high school?

WAVA also provides an extensive support system to both parents and students. In grades K-8, working closely with the teacher, the parent (or other responsible adult) serves as a 'learning coach' to the child, helping to facilitate his or her progress and working to modify the pace and schedule as needed. At the high school level the adult is less involved, as students work at more of a collective pace with a class of students in conjunction with the teacher. Each teacher is state certified and trained in his or her specific subject area. In addition, monthly networking opportunities are provided through various events and outings, enabling the entire school community to keep in close contact.

What is WAVA online?

In addition to providing individualized learning, as an online public school, WAVA provides the structure, administrative support, oversight, accountability, and state testing required of all public schools.
