wbhs parent portal

by Toby Smitham 4 min read

What are the changes in the WBHS portal?

Clarification on role of Sub Inspector of School (PE) in WBHS Portal 4. Revised procedure of Enrolment Certificate from Head of Office. 5. Online processing of Reimbursement and Advance Claim under WBHS 6. Online permission seeking for availing treatment outside West Bengal under WBHS 7. Revised Procedure of Empanelment of Health Care Organizations

What is Warners Bay High doing with the parent portal?

Special Religious Ed. Warners Bay High is continuing to utilise the parent portal to provide up-to-date information specific to parents and carers of our students.

Why Wynberg Boys’ High School?

Our proud history, rich in tradition, has established us as a leading South African academic institution. Wynberg Boys’ High School is a school of incredible opportunity, passionate about producing learners who are able to take their place proudly in society.

What are the services offered by WBHS?

Online processing of Reimbursement and Advance Claim under WBHS 6. Online permission seeking for availing treatment outside West Bengal under WBHS 7. Revised Procedure of Empanelment of Health Care Organizations 8. SMS Services for Various Incidence of Services under WBHS 9. Online Processing of Hospital Renewal for Empanelment 10.


What is Wynberg High School?

Wynberg Boys’ High School is one of the oldest and most prestigious boys’ schools in the country. Throughout its history Wynberg has been one of the leading schools in South Africa and it continues to provide a stimulating all-round education, coupled with academic excellence.

What is the Wynberg School Shop?

The Wynberg School Shop is our in-school outlet for uniforms, sports kit, WBHS Merchandise, and supporters’ clothing and collectibles for the Wynberg Family and Old Boys.

Happy Thanksgiving Trojans!

Please take this time to rest, relax and reflect as you take time to spend with your friends and family. We are thankful for each of you!

Don't quit Trojans!

Don't quit and continue to work hard as we reach the end of the first semester. Finish strong in every class.

Required EOC and CTE Exams

All students that are taking an EOC or CTE course will have a required final exam. This includes Math 1, Math 3, English 2, Biology and several CTE courses.

Shallotte Parade

We hope everyone can come out on December the 4th at 10 AM for the Shallotte parade. Several of our Trojans will be out participating in this event. It is a great way for our community to come together.

Winter Sports

Please come out and support our Trojan Athletes as we kick off our Winter Sports. Look for more details to come through social media.

Support our Fine Arts!

Come out and support our Fine Arts Department for their Fall Concerts.

Class of 2022

This will be a running list of up-to-date information specifically for our seniors!

Our Community

We are proud of the support and diversity of our wider school family – our staff, student leaders, the Board of Trustees, PTA, Maori Parent Group, the Old Boys' Association, local businesses and community supporters.


WBHS has a dedicated and supportive International Team to ensure boys from all over the world enjoy the best Northland has to offer, with both long term and short stay options. Our Golf Academy and on-site boarding hostel set us apart from other schools in the region.

Carruth House

Carruth House is the boarding hostel for students at Whangārei Boys’ High School and is home for up to 80 boys during school terms. It is the only boys’ school boarding hostel in Northland.


I am grateful for the experience, the support from teachers at the school and masters at Carruth House. I enjoyed the camaraderie and the lessons learnt growing up there. Respect others, but also work to earn their respect. Looking out for everyone - strength in numbers.

Isopo Samu, Whangārei

I boarded at Carruth House and loved the camaraderie with my fellow students. I created a strong bond with them and that remains to this day. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at WBHS.

David Templeton, Growth Advisor, Northland Inc

The school provided opportunities to figure out where I wanted to direct my life. It was not just about having a crack at sports, but also problem-solving. The range of opportunities kept me interested in coming back to school.

James McLean, Landscape Architect

Carruth House was a culture within a culture. It was a supportive brotherhood, and it was a reinforcing of standards expected – not just in behaviour but in academic and sporting achievement.

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