wcskids parent portal

by Maggie Beahan PhD 3 min read

What is Parent Portal?

Parent Portal is a Web application that provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Parent Portal is available starting in grade 3.

How do I get technical support for Parent Portal?

For technical support: 586.782.6999 Parent Portal is a Web application that provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Parent Portal is available starting in grade 3. Visit the Nutrition Services website for menus, nutrition and wellness tools, meal account information, news and updates, and more.

How do I contact the parent portal for students?

Please complete this form separately for each student. For technical support: 586.782.6999 Parent Portal is a Web application that provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Parent Portal is available starting in grade 3.

Is WCS accepting applications for 2022-23?

THANK YOU! In the News... WCS is currently accepting applications for the 2022-23 school year. The required Annual Education Reports are available for public viewing. Additionally, hard copies of individual school letters may be viewed in each school’s main office and a hard copy of the district letter may be viewed at the Administration Building.


Crisis & Security Resources

National Institute of Mental Health Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters.

Protect MI Child

Are your children safe while online? Michigan families, especially minors, are becoming inundated with advertisements from alcohol, tobacco, pornography and gambling marketers through different internet and cell phone in boxes.

OK2SAY Initiative

Warren Consolidated Schools has partnered with the Michigan Attorney General’s office to implement the Michigan State Police OK2SAY program within our district. The OK2SAY initiative provides a method of reporting in which the person reporting can remain anonymous.

When will parents get their passwords for grades 6-12?

Answer: Parents of students in grades 6-12 can get their logins and passwords starting the week of January 25, 2010 from the office where their student is enrolled. Usernames and passwords will be available in the school office or mailed home to the parents. The parent portal will not be available to students in Grades K-5 at the time.

What is PowerSchool?

Answer: PowerSchool is a student information system that allows us to manage a wide range of information, including the following: grades, attendance, tests, demographics, activities, courses, and photos. Because the program has been designed using Internet-based software tools, it also allows us to connect parents and students to information.

How does attendance work in PowerSchool?

Answer: Attendance is posted by teachers and by the office. All teachers assign and post grades to PowerSchool at different times. Some may give grades to their students’ everyday and some may give far fewer grades during the marking periods. This is up to each teacher and depends upon their grading system. If you see grades in PowerSchool for some teachers but not others, this is a normal function of the way teachers assign and post grades. As always you may contact teachers by e-mail or request a phone call or meeting at any time.

Is the password in a password case sensitive?

Answer: In most cases the login information is not case sensitive. However, if using all lowercase does not work, try the login and password with the case as shown in your letter. Please note that no vowels are used in passwords, so if the letter looks like the letter O, it is actually a zero.

District Information

SCHOOL CLOSING Text Messages are sent to the phone numbers listed for your student's first and second emergency contact. If you want the texts to go to another person, please change the order of the student's emergency contact list with the Grissom office staff.

Do You Receive Text Messages from School?

SCHOOL CLOSING Text Messages are sent to the phone numbers listed for your student's first and second emergency contact. If you want the texts to go to another person, please change the order of the student's emergency contact list with the Grissom office staff.

Laptop Request

Please complete this form separately for each student. For technical support: 586.782.6999

Parent Portal

Parent Portal is a Web application that provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Parent Portal is available starting in grade 3.


Visit the Nutrition Services website for menus, nutrition and wellness tools, meal account information, news and updates, and more.
