williston parent portal

by Rick Carter 8 min read

Where will my student be placed in Williston?

For grades K-8, students will be placed in the school that is closest to their home, as long as there is room in that school for that student. Students in grades 9-12 will attend Williston High School. Q: How soon will my new student be attending classes once they are registered?

What is PowerSchool in Williston Basin school district?

We are partnered with PowerSchool, a K-12 education technology platform, to record grades, track attendance, manage student fees, and send alert messages. All parents/guardians of students in Williston Basin School District #7 will need to create a PowerSchool account for the family. WBSD#7's code: GKFT.

How do I contact E&R school support in Williston?

Over the years, E&R has provided reliable, professional and top quality service to Williston students. Contact E&R’s School Customer Service Office at (800) 243-7789 with any questions or visit the company’s website. During the school year Williston’s Campus Store staff are also available to help at (413) 529-3270.

What are the pre-registration requirements for Williston Basin School District 7?

Any student who is new to Williston Basin School District #7 will need to submit a new student pre-registration form, including the student’s birth certificate, immunization record, parent/guardian’s photo ID, and current proof of residency.


What countries are represented in Williston?

Countries represented in the Williston student body, among them Bermuda, Germany, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam. 12. Students in an average class.

Is Williston a community?

The moment you step on campus, you will feel it: Williston is more than a school, it's a community—a caring fellowship of teachers, advisors, coaches, and classmates. You'll feel at home from day one.

When do you have to complete the online enrollment form?

ALL students will need to have this form completed by their parent/guardian prior to beginning school in August. If the online enrollment form has not been completed, your student will not be able to attend until it is completed.

What do parents need to enroll in kindergarten?

Parents will need to submit a Kindergarten Pre-Registration form, including the student’s birth certificate, immunization record, parent/guardian’s photo ID, and current proof of residency. Once that has been processed, the parent/guardian will receive an email with the link to complete the online enrollment form.

COVID-19 Update

The District has COVID-19 Home Tests available for students. Parents may pick the tests up at their child’s building at the front security desk on Tuesday, February 22, Wednesday, February 23, and Thursday, February 24 between 9:00 AM and 2:00 pm.

Board of Education Meeting - Monday, February 14, 2022

At this Monday’s Board Meeting, Director of Technology and Innovation, Ed Kemnitzer, was appointed as Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Personnel starting July 1, 2022. Congratulations Mr. Kemnitzer!

Board Committee Meetings

Recently, the Educational Advisory Committee, the Financial Advisory Committee and the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee had meetings to discuss important topics regarding our district. For more information and to read the minutes for each committee you can click here.

Did you know that the PPS Department has its own Quarterly Newsletter?

Stay in the know with the PPS quarterly newsletter from Dr. Lynn Mazza, Director of PPS, and Dr. Thomas Sposato, Assistant Director.

More Music Inside the Walls of Our Schools!

On Tuesday, March 1st, Wheatley Orchestra, and select Symphonic Band students will participate in the Orchestra of Long Island. The Orchestra Long Island (OLI) is a professional symphony orchestra that was established in 2017.

Informational and Helpful Strategies at the Guidance Parent Workshop

This Thursday, February 17th the Guidance Department presented their virtual workshop “ Promoting Coping Skills and Building Resilience” presented by Gordon Gooding and Liana Ross of Gooding Wellness Group.

Start Time Committee Update

On February 10, our District Start Time Committee had its 4th meeting of the year. As a reminder, no changes in start time will be in effect for the 2022-23 school year as the Committee looks to study questions raised during this year’s review. To read the minutes you can click here.
