wingate wilderness therapy parent portal

by Jamir Howell 9 min read

What is Wingate wilderness therapy?

WinGate Wilderness Therapy is a premier wilderness therapy program for troubled teens and young adults; that offers hope and healing. Designed for both troubled teens and young adults, WinGate offers two distinctly separate wilderness programs addressing the needs of two very different age groups.

How will Wingate help my child?

WinGate will ensure that the student gets lunch/dinner throughout the process and will make every effort to help the student feel comfortable throughout the day. When the student arrives at WinGate, the admissions counselor working with the family will be updated on the student’s current mood and emotional well being.

What is Wild Wilderness therapy and how does it work?

Wilderness therapy often works for clients who haven't had success with other treatments, works for issues that traditional therapies don't typically help and creates change more rapidly than conventional treatment.


What is Wingate Wilderness Therapy?

WinGate Wilderness Therapy is here to provide parents with a viable help option for their struggling children, If you have any questions in regards to how WinGate can help call now at (800) 560-1599. Activities, Lodging, Professional Resources, And Restaurants.

What is Wingate satellite?

WinGate maintains two redundant forms of satellite communication , so if one fails the other is still available. These are used for two daily check-ins with base to pass on any needs or medical concerns, or for instant communication for any immediate concerns.

Does Wingate have satellite phones?

In addition to the satellite phones, WinGate uses GPS units, regular satellite check-ins every couple hours, and a check in the middle of the night. Water is dropped for daily spots or can be called out for emergency camps. Every young adult is given appropriate clothing and food for the weather and season.

Does Wingate have an ER?

Every young adult is given appropriate clothing and food for the weather and season. WinGate has an ER medical doctor on-call at all times. For emergencies, clients can be taken to the local hospital or medical center in a very short amount of time.

How to contact Wingate Wilderness Therapy?

Call WinGate Wilderness Therapy today at (800) 560-1599. Increased Attention through Wilderness Therapy. Studies have shown that more natural environments result in a higher capacity for paying attention.

What is Wilderness Therapy?

Call WinGate Wilderness Therapy today at (800) 560-1599. Therapeutic Program teaches New Philosophy/Way of Living. Every therapeutic treatment program tries to teach clients a new philosophy or way of living. For inpatient programs, they create a structure that encourages the clients to live a certain way.

Why is wilderness therapy effective?

At WinGate, we believe that wilderness therapy is an effective form of treatment because it combines established therapeutic practices with a wilderness environment that is itself healing. In fact, there are certain aspects of wilderness that act as treatment effect multipliers.

What is Alliance based therapy?

Alliance-based therapy requires a well-coordinated, extensively trained, talented team of therapists and field staff. This approach to treatment is not easy, but it works. Alliance-based wilderness therapy results in powerful, therapeutic rapport between our adolescent clients and our therapeutic staff.

Is wilderness therapy a comprehensive therapy?

While certainly, they are not comprehensive, these each and in combination can create a strong, life-changing experience in our teenage clients by magnifying the effectiveness of traditional therapy. Wilderness therapy is a way and a place to do traditional therapy that produces dramatic results. Student Profile.

Does nature help with ADHD?

This means that nature and wilderness reduce symptoms of ADHD and improves attention for those not struggling with ADHD. This increased attention provides an opportunity for therapy to be more effective.

Is Wingate Wilderness Therapy a cell phone?

At WinGate Wilderness Therapy, there are no cell phones, or computers, or video games. The environment is naturally conducive to personal, human-to-human communication. Teens actually talk with other teens openly and honestly while hiking, setting up camp, "busting" a fire, preparing meals and developing skills.

How to contact Wingate Wilderness Therapy?

Please contact our Admissions Department at (800) 560-1599 for additional information. View More.

What is Wingate therapy?

WinGate is a wilderness-based therapeutic program that helps emotionally troubled adolescents (ages 13-17) and young adults (ages 18-28) find a path to hope. Our approach helps even the most resistant clients begin to trust, discover a vision for themselves, and heal.

How long does it take for a therapist to contact a parent?

Therapists make every effort to contact the family within 24 hours of the child’s arrival. Financing Options.

About Us

POWER is a private community for Wingate parents. It was founded in 2016 to provide additional support outside of the Wingate weekly parent support call. It is run independently and has no affiliation with Wingate. It is simply a place for parents to get support and share resources.

A Big Thanks

To all wilderness parents who have gone before us and will most certainly come after us - for your strength, dedication and desire for wholeness and healing. May we always lead with hearts of love.
