woodward public schools parent portal

by Kobe Lind 8 min read

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What can I do with the parent portal?

Once this process is complete, you will be able to access the Parent Portal as a one-stop for all your password-protected needs, including paying student accounts online, updating medical records, and registering for bus service.

How do I access the parent portal in Toledo Public Schools?

This will take you to the Toledo Public Schools home page. Move your cursor to the Parents tab and left click on Bowsher Parent Portal. The next screen will be the Parent Portal.


What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to pertinent student information such as attendance records, class schedule, class work, report cards and transcripts.

What is the TPS Parent Portal registration form?

The TPS Parent Portal Registration form contains very important information that you will need when you first logon to your TPS Parent Portal account, so please keep it close and keep it confidential. Your initial password will be the password that is shown on the form you complete and sign. Also, this password will be used for future TPS Parent Portal verification. The email address you provide on this form will be your permanent TPS Parent Portal username.

How long does it take to get a parent portal email?

After all the requirements have been met, an email will be sent to you to verify your email address. This should occur within approximately 5 days after completion of the TPS Parent Portal Registration form.

How to get to the Bowsher Parent Portal?

Type www.tps.org in your address bar (url). This will take you to the Toledo Public Schools home page. Move your cursor to the Parents tab and left click on Bowsher Parent Portal. The next screen will be the Parent Portal. Left click on the link https://parentportal.tps.org. The next screen will be your logon screen. Complete this screen and you will advance to the Bowsher Parent Portal student school screens.

What browsers are required for Internet Explorer?

Browser requirements: Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher for Windows, 5.0 or higher for Macintosh; Netscape Navigator 6.0 or higher ; Opera 6.0 or higher; Firefox 3.x, Safari 1.0 or higher. You can also use mobile devices: iPad, iPhone, Android phone or tablet, Kindle. Do NOT USE GOOGLE CHROME!!!

Can a parent have their own email account?

When parents are divorced, each parent will be permitted to have his/her own individual email account to access the TPS Parent Portal, unless there is a current court order prohibiting the same . We have prepared one TPS Parent Portal Registration form per child so in this case, a second form will need to be completed. We have those forms available for you.

Do you need to go to other schools to register for TPS?

You will not need to go to the other schools to complete an additional form. You will be notified when other TPS schools have access to the TPS Parent Portal
