Aeries Online Enrollment allows a Parent to quickly start the process of enrolling a Student for School. Information about the Student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information is collected.
During the online re-registration window in August, the Walnut Creek School District uses the Aeries Parent Portal Data Confirmation process to allow parents/guardians to review and update student demographic, emergency contact, medical information and required district authorization forms.
Once school has begun, the parent portal can be used to view student attendance, test scores and contact information. At Walnut Creek Intermediate, the portal can used by parents and students to also access gradebook information.
Middle school and high school students and their parents/guardians are able to access current grades and information about student assignments, attendance, and scheduling. Access to the Parent/Student Portal provides parents the opportunity to be more informed about their child’s academic progress and other pertinent information.
Aeries Online Enrollment allows a parent to quickly start the process of enrolling a student for school. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected. Upon completion, the student's information is electronically sent to the school.
The General Student Information page will require information such as the student gender, contact numbers, and race/ethnicity information. This information will import into the Student Demographic and Language pages in Aeries.
The Emergency Contacts page has the option to add up to four emergency contacts. This page requires that information is filled in for at least one emergency contact before the parent can proceed with the enrollment process.
The Resident Parent Information page has the option to add information for 2 Parent/Guardians. This page requires that information is filled in for at least one parent/guardian before the parent can proceed with the enrollment process.