www jcboe org parent portal

by Mr. Javonte Ernser PhD 5 min read

Who can access the parent portal?

Parent Portal is available to authorized parents and guardians of Richmond County School System students. Unable to access your Parent Portal account? 1. Click Forgot Password/Username 2. Follow the instructions in the email you receive to update your username or password

Is parentportal available 24/7?

Parent access to ParentPortal is available 24/7 (24 hrs/day, 7 days/week). At some times throughout the school year, ParentPortal may be unavailable for short periods of time due to routine maintenance and periods of high volume usage.

Can I create more than one parentportal account per child?

Unfortunately, the ParentPortal program only allows one parent account to be created per child. Therefore, both parents will have to use the same username and password that was assigned by the district.

Do I need an activation key for a Parent Portal account?

An Activation Key is required when creating a new Parent Portal account. If you have already created a Parent Portal account, you will not need to complete this step again. If you have issues entering your child's Social Security Number, contact the Data Clerk/Registrar at your child's school.


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Developing a vision of doing what is best for all students and making them academically competitive in a global society. The real promise is to give every student E.A.R.S., Enrichment, Acceleration, Resources, and Support.

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Partnership with Saint Peter's University in a 21st Century Afterschool Program grant.

How to create a parent portal?

Follow the steps below and complete all pages to create a Parent Portal Account. 1. Look up for your Parent Portal Activation Key. 2. Complete the fields on the Campus Parent Account screen. 3. You have successfully created your account. Or download the instructions to create a Parent Portal account.

What is the activation key for Parent Portal?

An Activation Key is required when creating a new Parent Portal account. If you have already created a Parent Portal account, you will not need to complete this step again. If you have issues entering your child's Social Security Number, contact the Data Clerk/Registrar at your child's school. To look up your Parent Portal Activation Key.

Does the class have to meet yet?

There is a chance that the class may not have met yet or simply a matter of timing between your access and the teacher's update. The other option is that the teacher has opened the grade book and entered an assignment, but has yet to record any scores for that assignment.

Does Parent Portal use cookies?

ParentPortal uses "cookies" and this means your internet security is set too high, probably to the highest level of security, which blocks cookies. Depending on your browser, you will need to find the Internet Security area and turn it down a level or two so cookies are accepted.
