yps parent portal

by Prof. Eldon Bogan 5 min read

How do I access the parent portal in Toledo Public Schools?

This will take you to the Toledo Public Schools home page. Move your cursor to the Parents tab and left click on Bowsher Parent Portal. The next screen will be the Parent Portal.

How do I add students to my Parent Portal account?

The TPS Parent Portal Registration form that you complete when setting up your Parent Portal account asks for the names of all of your students who attend TPS only. Simply list each student's name and their TPS school location so that when the school secretary inputs your information, the correct students are linked to your account.

What can I do with the parent portal?

Check grades, attendance, schedules and more! Watch a video explaining the benefits of Parent Portal. ( Video en español) “I use my Parent Portal mostly to track my student’s attendance and grades.

What information can I update in the parent portal?

As a parent, you can update your address and demographic information which syncs with the information in our SchoolMessenger communications system along with our SafeArrival Absence Reporting system and PowerSchool Registration system all from the Parent Portal and for all of your children without having to visit each school site.


What is a parent account?

A parent account allows you to view the information for one or more students with a single sign in. You can also manage your personal account preferences. If you do not have your child (s) Access ID and password you will need to visit your child (s) school (s) to obtain this information; then follow the instructions below to link all your children's accounts under one single parent sign-on.

How does the Yukon Public School District view student progress?

Parents and guardians of students in the Yukon Public School District can view student progress through PowerSchool, the District’s student information system . PowerSchool is used to schedule classes, take attendance, store grades, produce transcripts, report cards, and more.

Free and Reduced Lunch Applications

Below are the links for the Free and Reduced Lunch Applications for the 2021-2022 school year. Please note that these can be found on the website all year long under “Parents” and then “Forms.”

Transportation for 2021-2022

For all students requiring transportation during the 2021-2022 school year:


YPS constructed a new website two summers ago and with that came several changes. One of the most significant changes that occurred is our notification system for when we have snow days or other emergency notices that we … Read More


York Public Schools delivers school information and approved flyers from community organizations electronically through PEACHJAR. These school-approved eflyers are emailed directly to you. Additionally you can view eflyers by clicking the … Read More

Peachjar Eflyers

York Public Schools is now using an electronic flyer communication tool called “Peachjar.” Look under “Links” for Peachjar eflyers information. To view school-approved eflyers, simply click the Peachjar button on your school’s website homepage. Read More


York Public Schools is looking to hire Bus and Van Drivers. CDL is needed for the bus drivers. Training to obtain CDL is available if needed. Interested applicants need to complete an application at ASI (Advance Services … Read More

2022 Summer Moratorium

The 2022 Summer Moratorium will be from Thursday, June 30th through Tuesday, July 5th. No activities will be scheduled during that time. Another opportunity for a summer vacation is Monday, May 23rd through Monday, May 30th as only State Golf … Read More

Lunchtime Solutions is hiring!

Lunchtime Solutions is hiring!! Do you like working with kids? Well so do we! Do you want a flexible job that allows you to be home when your children are home from school? Do you like the idea of no … Read More

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to pertinent student information such as attendance records, class schedule, class work, report cards and transcripts.

What is the TPS Parent Portal registration form?

The TPS Parent Portal Registration form contains very important information that you will need when you first logon to your TPS Parent Portal account, so please keep it close and keep it confidential. Your initial password will be the password that is shown on the form you complete and sign. Also, this password will be used for future TPS Parent Portal verification. The email address you provide on this form will be your permanent TPS Parent Portal username.

How long does it take to get a parent portal email?

After all the requirements have been met, an email will be sent to you to verify your email address. This should occur within approximately 5 days after completion of the TPS Parent Portal Registration form.

How to get to the Bowsher Parent Portal?

Type www.tps.org in your address bar (url). This will take you to the Toledo Public Schools home page. Move your cursor to the Parents tab and left click on Bowsher Parent Portal. The next screen will be the Parent Portal. Left click on the link https://parentportal.tps.org. The next screen will be your logon screen. Complete this screen and you will advance to the Bowsher Parent Portal student school screens.

Can a parent have their own email account?

When parents are divorced, each parent will be permitted to have his/her own individual email account to access the TPS Parent Portal, unless there is a current court order prohibiting the same . We have prepared one TPS Parent Portal Registration form per child so in this case, a second form will need to be completed. We have those forms available for you.

Do you need to go to other schools to register for TPS?

You will not need to go to the other schools to complete an additional form. You will be notified when other TPS schools have access to the TPS Parent Portal

Can you use TPS Parent Portal as password?

Also, when setting up your TPS Parent Portal account, please do not use as your password the current password you are using to access your personal email account. Please create a different password to access the TPS Parent Portal.

What age does FERPA give parents rights?

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.

How do students set up their account?

Students set up the account using the parent email address and a PIN. The student determines and authorizes what information is available to view by the parent.

Does York College notify parents of grades?

While York College will not notify parents or legal guardians of student grades, academic actions, and financial matters or conduct violations, students are encouraged to disclose such issues in a timely manner. Students may opt to issue on-line proxy access to their educational and financial records. YCPWeb for Parents.

Does York College allow parents to disclose their financial records?

So that we can be effective partners in guiding the student’s academic journey, York College encourages students to openly and candidly discuss their educational experiences with parents and families. Only with such open, honest dialog can parents and families fully support their student and help guide them to appropriate resources. While York College will not notify parents or legal guardians of student grades, academic actions, and financial matters or conduct violations, students are encouraged to disclose such issues in a timely manner. Students may opt to issue on-line proxy access to their educational and financial records.
